

We, at the GEOsmartcampus,  work in order to build a ‘’Smart Society’’ where a person can satisfy his needs in an efficient and sustainable way.Through our passion and the development of skills and expertise , we foster, support and accelerate the Smart Innovation fulfilment where Technology is key tool to realize a ‘’Smart Society’’.
GEOsmartcampus is a Smart Society farm, and its Mission is to foster the progression of Innovative Solutions with the purpose of realizing a Smart Society, a new model of Wide Community in which Man and his needs are back in the centre and where Technology and  Innovation, are the tools to satisfy them. A Smart Society in which the progression of human contexts, the working, urban, industrial ones and the relationship that bounds them, it is undivisible from the analysis and safeguard of environment.

Our Vision comes true- with the contribution of our Stakeholder Community- in a well-structured way through:
-Our cooperative platform conceived with the aim to allow startups, SMEs and professionals to innovate, know and set up networks sharing professional services, know-how, technologies and data;
-Our thematic business acceleration program of Innovative Solutions based on Digital Geography, born with the purpose of fostering the development of of Smart Solutions through the use of Acceleration technologies, supporting Team Innovators to realize,as soon as possible, their projects turning them into products/business enterprises envisioned for the market.
-Our Lab Campus deidicated to activities of Research and Development;
-A Communication Activity conceived to promote a certain ‘’Culture of Innovation’’ stepping along with the principles of the Smart Society;
-A training program focused to the use of advanced technologies and the development of enterpreneurial capabilities;
-Our ‘’Innovation Consulting’’ marked out by highly innovative Skills in order to allow startups, SMEs and professionals to meet that knowledge which is core to the development of their innovative projects;
-A program of internationalisation dedicated to the integration of international productive systems and intended to be a point of attraction for Investments in novel Pojects;

Here at GEOsmartcampus:
-access and capability using Digital Geography is core to the physical infrastructure of hyperconnected centres;
– the Smart Society development requires an intelligent approach to the data management;
-georefferrable data and inherent infos is the added value and the point of convergence between enterprises and users;
-Digital Geography is fundamental for a change thought to be in function of People’s, environment’s, cultural and natural heritage needs.

GEOsmartcampus’ purpose is to create and stimulate business opportunities for Young professionals, startups, SMEs herals of Innovative Solutions, becoming a generator of an Innovation Community that favourishs cReative Potential, Ideas development, Solutions, technological services and synergies with productive realities present on our national and international scenarios.
Il GEOsmartcampus vuole creare e stimolare le opportunità di business per i giovani professionisti, le start up e le PMI portatori di soluzioni smart e generando un’Innovation Community che favorisca la crescita del potenziale creativo, lo sviluppo di idee, le soluzioni, i servizi tecnologici e le sinergie con le realtà produttive presenti sul territorio nazionale ed internazionale.

GEOsmartcampus to:
-support and advance the birth of new business enterprises;
-increase the success rate of novel business initiatives;
-let know and connect identities/enterprises/projects existent on the territory
-promote Innovation in SMEs