Technological Partners


Esri Italy is Official Distributor of Esri, firm leader in the solutions geospaziali for the Italian market. His/her solution and the base ArcGISs represent, in the era of the Digital Geography, the essential language to understand and to analyze the phenomena on territorial base. Objective of Esri Italia is that to furnish ability to effect analysis complex geospaziali on his/her own data, to support corporate body and firms in the integration of the geographical component with his/her own bases Enterprise and to spread inside the organizations the power of the geographical reading of the information. Esri Italia sets the maximum attention to his/her own clients supporting them in the realization of solutions that you/they improve the operational and decisional trials. The solutions and the products of the Esri Italia are a fundamental tool chosen by the Public Administrations, from a lot of firms of the sectors Utilities, Energy, Natural Resources, Telecommunications, Transports, Commerce, as well as from University, Corporate body of Search and from Associations of the sector No Profit.


Cisco is the world technological leader that the way transforms in which the people connect him, they communicate and they collaborate. Its mission is to give form to the future of Internet, creating the maximum value and the maximum opportunities for the society, for its clients, for its employees, investors and partner. It has foreseen in Italy since 1994, the firm has always been beside firms, institutions and people in our Country to support of its run of growth.

In January 2016 Ciscos have started in Italy the plan of investments Digitaliani, been born for accelerating the digitization of Italy facing you untie him key for his/her digital transformation: the competences, the development of the ecosystem of innovation, the digitization of the sectors productive key of the Made in Italy, of the PA, of the infrastructures.

To face with success the change, our country it has a great resource: his/her human capital, that is giving life to a rich and promising ecosystem, made of start up, centers of search, university, accelerators, territorial nets, institutions, firms voted to the innovation.  With the plain Digitaliani, aiming at this wealth, Cisco has chosen, to make technologies available, competences, investments, contacts to sustain there the innovation where it is born, in Italy, thanks to the appointment of all these actors; with an approach to the insignia of the open innovation and of the collaboration. open also to clients and partner of the firm. denominated “Innovation Exchange”: The last goal is to make of the whole Italy a center of innovation, to give a decisive contribution to the economic growth, to the social development, to the creation of opportunity.

For further information:



SAS is leader in the analyticses. Through innovative software and services, SAS helps and inhales all over the world clients to turn the data into knowledge. SAS furnishes THE Power TO KNOW.

SAS makes a strategy available that it spaces from the consultation to the implementation, from the technical support to the formation, offering a net of experts for every specific sector of business. It places side by side his/her own clients in the whole cycle of life of the product establishing relationships of firm and lasting partnership. The client can personalize the solutions and to draw the maximum one from the effected investments making trust on the services SAS of Formation, Consultation progettuale and Technical Support.

From the 1976 SAS it furnishes THE Power TO to the clients of the whole world KNOW®.

In Italy from 1987, it has a structure of over 330 operational people in the centers in Milan, Rome, Venice Mestre and Turin today.

For further information: / italy