The fifth edition of Milan Codemodion is coming! The most important Technology event in Europe is set to see 2 days of Workshops and the next 2 of Conference with more than 100 speechs, many exhibitors and tech communities. A great opportunity to share know-how, an occasion of networking, discussion and upgrade for enterprises and software developers within a focus on Innovation and Trends in Digital Transformation.
On the 10th Esri and Cisco will run the Workshop “Embedding Cisco Spark and Location applications (ESRI) into business processes” from 2.10 to 2.50 pm, Room 8, BASE: an excellent chance to get to know 2 of the most powerful technologic web operating systems in the Science of Where.
Theme: The “location” or “positioning”, is one of the most valuable and underutilized information for an asset or a physical person. The possibility to extend enhanced collaboration solution, such as Spark, into processes and applications designed around the “Science of Where” provide an incredible capability to solve industry-relevant problems, not easy or cost-effective to address today. The workshop deals with real-life use cases of Spark enabled solutions for asset tracking and asset protection. You will also learn how to use Cisco Spark to share asset location info within a biz process.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Angelo Fienga (Architect, Mobile Collaboration – Cisco)
Claudio Carboni (GIS Evangelist di Esri Italia)
#Codemotion #Codemotion2017Milan #GeoSmartCampus #EsriItalia #Cisco #CiscoSpark #SAA #Warredoc #LinkCampus #CMS #Inforelea #Innovability #ItaliaStartup #Tabizco #GeoMedia #FondazioneGeoknowledge #FareImpresa #InnovativeStartup #Innovazione #smartsolutions #business #utilities #Industry4.0 #Openinnovation #Noicisiamo #gis #positioning #ScienceofWhere #DigitalTransformation #IoT #Businessprocess
Cisco & Esri at the Milan Tech Conference Codemotion 2017